Application to Host the XX (2031) International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC)

The International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences (IAPPS), together with local organizations and societies, convenes the International Plant Protection Congress every 4 years.  

 Making an Application

This document should only serve as a guide for applying to host the IPPC-2031.

  • The items listed in the ‘Guide’ below should be included in the bid. 
  • Please feel free to add any additional information that supports your bid.

The important dates for an application to host this Congress are:

December 2026: Applications due.
March 2027: Decision made by IAPPS Executive Committee.
May 2027: Agreement between IAPPS and the LCO (Local Congress Organizer).
November 1-5, 2027: Winning bidder promotes their 2031 IPPC at 2027 IPPC in Wellington   

Possible Conference Dates: July, the Conference is usually held in August – November. Please check for simultaneous Congresses and avoid major conflicts.


Guide for applying to host the IPPC-2031  

I. Details of Proposed Site 

   1. Conference city: Why is this city an attractive location?

   2. Member societies involved: To the extent possible, we prefer to have all plant protection-type societies involved, including entomologists, plant pathologists, weed scientists, nematologists, vertebrate pest specialists, molecular biologists, plant breeders etc.  

   3. Transportation to city e.g. international airlines, tourist attractions in vicinity, attractiveness of city, transportation within city etc. 
   4. Conference venue:  
• Capacity of hall for plenary sessions. We prefer a capacity of 1500+. 
• List of meeting rooms, their size and capacity. 
• Exhibition space in square meters. Should have space for 30-50 exhibitors. 
• Need accessibility to wheel-chairs.  
• List of hotels near the venue, indicate distance to the venue, classes and prices. We prefer a range of prices from 1 to 5 star within walking distance to the venue. 
• Where is the venue located in relation to the city center and the airport?  
• Details of breakout facilities  
• Banquet facilities 
• Choice of food for luncheons within the Congress venue.  

II. Professional Conference Organizer (PCO)  
Please indicate the Professional Conference Organizer involved and the references of the PCO. 

III. Local Organization  
1. Names of Congress Chair and Co-Chairs.  
2. Composition of LCO.  
3. What support will the Congress receive from the local country and/or town or city?  
4. What is the local/national audience for this conference (both numbers and areas of interest)?  
5. What invited speakers or exhibitors might provide local interest?  
6. What do you anticipate in terms of delegate numbers, fees charged for the conference, and expenses for the conference?  
7. List all plant protection societies/organizations supporting the Congress 

IV. Financial Arrangements  
The local organizers will take responsibility for organizational cost at no risk to IAPPS. Please discuss the sources of funding and financial models when submitting a draft proposal. Indicate the proposed costs for registration of students, IAPPS Members, Presenting members, non-members etc.  

V. Financial support to IAPPS 
• IAPPS to receive $10 for each fully paid registrant (Required) 
• IAPPS members receive a $50 discount on registration fees (Required) 
• Payment of registration fees, hotel expenses and air tickets for the IAPPS Secretary General, IAPPS President, IAPPS Vice President/Newsletter Editor and IAPPS Treasurer (Recommended but not required) 
• Payment of the registration fees and hotel accommodation for 16 members of the IAPPS Governing Board (Recommended but not required) 

VI. Congress tours 
List the types of tours available within the city and the region. Include1-5 day pre-and post- Congress tours.  

VII. Congress promotion 
Present a detailed plan for promoting the Congress. This section should answer the question, “Why should I attend the 2027 International Plant Protection Congress”? The IAPPS Executive Committee and Governing Board is planning for the 2027 IPPC to be one of the biggest and best in the entire history of IAPPS in terms of number of participants and accompanying persons, quality of the scientific program and quality of the non-scientific activities (tourism etc.).  Below, we list some activities that you can consider in promoting the Congress. Perhaps you can add more items. 

  • Development and promotion of an attractive and functional Congress website. 
    • Scientific program committee to include all plant protection disciplines (entomologists, plant pathologists, weed scientists, nematologists, plant breeders, molecular biologists, economists and technology transfer specialists, agronomists), farmers and private industry. 
    • Selection of prominent plenary and keynote speakers well in advance of the congress and extensively advertised on the website and via other media. IAPPS will appoint two of the four keynote speakers.  
    • An extensive Email campaign to inform a global audience about the Congress. This will require the development of an extensive list of email addresses.  
    • Development of a relevant and attractive Congress theme and logo. 
    • A strategy to attract accompanying persons and families. 
    • Promotion of the Congress city (security, culture etc.) and tourist attractions within the city and the region.  
    • Financial considerations such as registration fees, cost of hotels etc.  
    • An attractive and relevant scientific program with emphasis on food security and sustainable agriculture.  

VIII. Proposed scientific program 
Describe the Congress theme and program thematic areas. 

  1. Congress tours 
    List the types of tours within the city and region. Include1-3 day pre-and post-Congress tours in the region.  
  2. Cultural activities 
    Describe the potential cultural activities 
  3. Other Relevant Details  
    Please include any other details that you feel will support your application. 

Application submission 
Please submit your digital application to:  

Prof. E. A. “Short” Heinrichs Secretary General, IAPPS – [email protected]  

[File:/EAH/  IAPPS Application to Host the XXI IPPC 2027]