Developers and designers

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Merv Cooper
Business Manager
Centre for Pest Information Technology and Transfer (CPITT)
Hartley Teakle Building,
University of Queensland, 
St. Lucia, QLD 4072
Phone: +61 07 3365 1872
Fax: +61 07 3365 1855
Email: [email protected]


Sue McGrath
Research Entomologist
Centre for Pest Information Technology and Transfer (CPITT)
University of Queensland,
St Lucia, QLD 4072
Phone: +61 07 3365 7918
Fax: +61 07 3365 1855
Email: [email protected]


Sheldon Navie
Research Weed Scientist
Centre for Pest Information Technology and Transfer (CPITT)
University of Queensland
St Lucia, QLD 4072
Phone: +61 07 3365 1840
Fax: +61 07 3365 1855
Email: [email protected]


Geoff Norton
Centre for Pest Information Technology and Transfer (CPITT)
Hartley Teakle Building,
University of Queensland, 
St. Lucia, QLD 4072
Phone: +61 07 3365 1854
Fax: +61 07 3365 1855
Email: [email protected]


Mathew Taylor
Assistant Director
Centre for Pest Information Technology and Transfer (CPITT)
University of Queensland
St Lucia, QLD 4072
Phone: +61 07 3365 1858
Fax: +61 07 3365 1855
Email: [email protected]