examples of potting mixes

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An example of a potting mix used in CSIRO glasshouses at Long Pocket Laboratories is as follows:

two parts New Zealand sphagnum peat moss,

two parts coarse grade vermiculite,

two parts perlite,

1.5 parts coarse sharp freshwater washed sand, and

added lime to adjust the peat's low pH of about 4 to a pH of about 5.0-6.0.

This medium has good water permeability and retention, good aeration and friability, very good buffer capacity and cation exchange capacity, and provides good ballast. However the cost of $A189 per m3, in 1995, is a significant drawback so this mix is used for propagation only.

An example of a commercial nursery potting mix.

A commercial nursery potting mix ($A48/m3), comprising of composted hardwood sawdust, milled pine-bark, and coarse sharp sand, is used for all other general purpose potting. To suit the specific needs of a number of the more temperamental species, vermiculite, perlite, and more sand is added for a final cost of $A111/m3. This cost is further offset by recycling 70% of the mix.

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Gio. W. Fichera