Representative for the Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture [World Vegetable Center, ICIPE, CABI, Crops for the future (Malaysia), CATIE (Costa Rica).
The World Vegetable Center 60 Yi Ming Liao, Shanhua Tainan 74151 Taiwan, Republic of China
Dr. Srinivasan Ramasamy received his PhD specializing Agricultural Entomology from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India /Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center, Taiwan in 2003. He has twelve years of international agricultural research experience as a Vegetable Entomologist, successful author and co-author of grant proposals.
Since 2005, Dr Ramasamy has been heading the Entomology Group at World Vegetable Center, Taiwan, with professional interests in host-plant resistance, chemical ecology of insect pests, biological control, and molecular entomology. He is the recipient of several awards including the International Plant Protection Award of Distinction for AVRDC Plant Protection and Breeding Team from the International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences.
Dr Ramasamy has more than 100 peer-reviewed journal publications, book chapters, three field guides and three Conference Proceedings to his credit. He served as the Steering Committee Member of the CGIAR’s System-wide Program on IPM (2008–2013), and the Technical Team Member of the USAID-funded IPM Innovation Lab (formerly IPM CRSP) program (2012–2014).
He is currently serving as the Technical Advisory Committee member of the IPM IL program. He is an active member in professional societies / networks such as Royal Entomological Society, Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Entomological Society of America, International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences, New York Academy of Sciences and International Society of Chemical Ecology.
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