host specificity

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As for insects (See Host Specificity Studies), preliminary information about the host specificity of a potential agent pathogen in its country of origin might be obtained by searching the literature, particularly crop protection literature, checking herbarium collections and records, and checking with workers in agriculture to determine whether the pathogen is a known pest of crops.

In the absence of other preliminary information, host range tests against a small selection of plants, usually closely related to the target weed, should be done in the country of origin. This will determine whether further, more detailed, testing is warranted.

Supply of test plants

Since testing for Australian weeds is carried out overseas, it is necessary to provide the laboratory carrying out the work with test plants. Where possible test plant seed is sent to the country where the testing is to be carried out. This is the easiest and cheapest method as there are usually fewer problems with quarantine requirements. However, in some cases it is necessary to grow the plants before despatch to the testing agency. In this case, the plants must be able to withstand reasonably rough handling, including being turned upside down, and exposure to extremes of temperature. A packaging method for sending plants overseas which has proven to be reliable involves sealing each plant in its own container which is lined with absorbent paper to prevent sweating and breakdown of the foliage in transit, and tightly packing the individual containers into a polystyrene box which is protected by an outer layer of strawboard.


Host specificity testing involves assessing the response to infection by the test plants at the cellular level. Plants are inoculated in batches of four or five species along with the target weed as a control. Inoculation of each test species should be replicated three or four times. Each replicate is valid only if infection of the control plant is normal. The plants should be inoculated and incubated under ideal conditions for the development of the particular pathogen, and maintained for twice the length of the latent period for the pathogen on its natural host to allow complete development, eg the production of urediniospores. Pathogen development should be observed both macroscopically and microscopically. In the latter case, sample sections of the leaves are examined using techniques such as whole leaf clearing and staining technique (Bruzzese and Hasan 1983), and scanning electromicrographs. Processes examined include:

the fate of the spores on the leaf surface,

development of infection hyphae, appressoria, penetrant hyphae and haustoria, and

reaction of the test plant at both organ and cell level, for example;

deposition of callous tissue,
necrosis of cells to form a barrier,
presence of polyphenols,
chlorosis, and
leaf abnormalities (tumefactions).

The methods used for host specificity testing of a rust for rubber vine (H. Evans pers. comm. 1992) are summarised below as an example of appropriate methods for pathogens.

Batches of 4-5 test species were screened at any one time. Three to four plants were included for each species and only vigorously growing (flushing) plants were used. A range of leaf types (young to senescent) were inoculated by brushing their lower leaf surfaces with a dense urediniospore suspension ('saturation' inoculum, ca. 5 000 000 spores/mL) in sterile distilled water and 0.01% Tween 20, using a fine camel hair brush. In the case of aquatic plants (with stomata only on the upper leaf surface) and leafless, fleshy asclepiads, the sites of inoculation were modified accordingly.

Rubber vine plants (C. grandiflora, C. madagascariensis var. madagascariensis and var. glaberrima) inoculated with a spore concentration of 15 000 000 spores/mL  to avoid defoliation, were used as controls for each test. Plants were maintained for 24 hours at previously determined optimum conditions for rust infection (ca. 23ºC, 100% RH). Inoculated plants were then transferred to a greenhouse chamber at 25ºC and 50-60% RH during 12-hours light, and 20ºC and 60-80% RH during the night.

Plants were observed over a three-week period, i.e. more than double the latent period for sporulation of the rust on control rubber vine plants. Samples of all inoculated leaves were removed at 10 and 21 days for clearing and staining (Bruzzese and Hasan 1983). 

Samples from fleshy leaves and stems were cut longitudinally to facilitate subsequent microscopic examination of the inoculated area. In addition to the light microscope examination, all inoculated material was inspected for external symptoms of infection using a stereoscopic microscope.

Each test species was screened on at least two separate occasions, and any plant showing an unusual macro- or micro-reaction to the rust was investigated further. Symptomatology was assessed according to 15 categories (See Table 1) and the susceptibility to infection of each test species was rated based on systems devised by Kochman and Goulter (1983) and Bruzzese and Hasan (1983) (See Table 2).


Table 1. Assessment  categories for macro- and microsymptoms of pathogen infection.
Category Symptoms
0 spore lysis, low (<10%) or no germination
1 spore germination (>20%)
2 abnormal germ-tubes
3 abnormal appressorial development, invariably non-stomatal
4 normal appressional development, invariably over stomata
5 collapsed appressoria, no penetration
6 penetrant hypha with or without evident substomatal vesicle 
7 necrosis of penetrant hypha, heavy staining (polyphenol) around and beneath stomata
8 short internal hyphae only, no haustorial mother cells/haustoria
9 collapsed or necrosed internal hyphae, callose or polyphenols present
10 longer internal hyphae, haustorial mother cells and haustoria
11 hyphal collapse, host cell plasmolysis and/or callosed haustoria
12 extensive internal hyphal network, initiation of sorus formation
13 external symptoms; chlorosis or reddening; leaf abnormalities (tumefactions)
14 restricted sporulation (<1 pustule/cm²)
15 abundant sporulation (>15 pastules/cm²)

Assessment categories within any one test species were, for the most part, consistent. However, variable reactions occurred occasionally between replications, although most frequently within the same treatment. Leaf age was the main factor governing variation in susceptibility ratings and the full range of reactions are shown in Table 2. Weak or non-dominant reactions are represented by parentheses.


Table 2. Susceptibility ratings used for accessing the reactions of rubber vine and other test plants to the rubber vine rust
Score Rating Macro/microsymptoms
0 Immune (I) No visible symptoms; no stomatal penetration
1 Highly resistant (HR) Visible symptoms; chlorosis; flecking or general discoloration; hypersensitive reaction at the stomatal or substomatal level
2 Highly resistant Development of internal hyphae but restricted by production of callose or polyphenols
3 Highly resistant Internal hyphae with more extensive branching producing haustorial mother cells but aborted at cellular level
4 Highly resistant Development of hyphal network; haustoria abundant but invariably non-functional (collapsed or callose ring), with or without host cell plasmolysis. No visible symptoms
5 Resistant (R) Hyphal network extensive; initiation of sori, non-eruptive or eruptive and appearing as swellings or blisters on leaf surface, abortive, n o sporulation. Host cell plasmolysis and/or haustorial collapse. Macrosymptoms generally present: chlorotic spots
6 Resistant Eruptive sori, usually small in size; sporulation restricted (few pustules/leaf) and delayed; evidence of mainly collapsed-callosed haustoria. Macrosymptoms generally present: widespread chlorosis, leaf distortion
7 Partially resistant (moderately susceptible) (PR) As above, but pustules larger and more abundant but still less than 1/cm²
8 Highly susceptible (HS) Numerous pustules (>15/cm²), abundant sporulation; majority of haustoria healthy. Typically chlorotic then necrotic leaves; but premature leaf fall not evident
9 Highly susceptible As above, but premature leaf fall common; with or without chlorosis or reddening (anthocyanin production)

Results of the host range tests for plants within the subfamilies Periplocoideae and Secamonidea are shown in Table 3 as examples.


Table 3. Symptoms and susceptibility ratings of test plants within the subfamilies Periplocoideae and Secamonideae
Taxa Macro/micro symptoms Ratings
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15  
Subfamily Periplocoideae
Cryptostegia grandiflora - + - - + - + - - - + - + + - + 9 HS
C. madagascariensis - + - - +   + - - - + - + + - + 9 HS
var. madagascariensis - + - - + - + - - - + - + + - + 8 HS
var. glaberrima - + - - + - + - - - + - + + - + 8 HS
var. septentrionalis - + - - + - + - - - + (+) + (+) + (+) 5,6,7,8 P, HS, HR
Gonocrypta grevei - + - - + - + - + + - - - - - - 2 HR
Pentopetia androsaemifolia - + - - + - + - + + - - - - - - 2 HR
Gymnabtheria fruiticosa - + - - + - + - + + - - - - - - 2 HR
G. nitida - + - - + - + - + + - - - - - - 2 HR
Finlaysonia obovata - + - (+) + - + - - - + + (+) (+) - - 2 HR
Cryptolepis grayi - + - - + - + - - - + (+) + (+) (+) - 2 HR
C. albicans - + - - + - + - + + (+) (+) (+) (+) - - 2 HR
Subfamily Secamoneoideae
Secamoneae elliptica - + - - + - + + - - - - - - - - 2 HR

Note: Parenthesis indicate variable but replicable symptoms between individual plants in a test.

All species and varieties within the genus Cryptostegia were highly susceptible to infection by Maravalia cryptostegiae. The only other species exhibiting susceptibility to M. cryptostegiae were the Madagascan Gonocrypta grevei and the Australian Cryptolepis grayi. Further testing of M. cryptostegiae types against G. grevei indicated that there are at least two distinct physiological races or pathotypes of M. cryptostegiae, one adapted to Cryptostegia, the other to Gonocrypta. Cryptolepis grayi showed varying levels of susceptibility to the rust, ranging from resistant to moderately susceptible, and the appearance of fertile pustules on one plant of the first test run warranted further investigation. Fertile pustules were observed in 3 of 14 plants in further tests, despite development of host cell plasmolysis and haustorial inhibition which restricted development of sporogenous tissues by the rust. Results of the screening suggest that Cryptolepis, like Gonocrypta, is a generic host of M. cryptostegiae. Decisions based on these tests are discussed by McFadyen and Heard (See Deciding on Release Candidates).

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Allan Tomley