Procedures for pathogens

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pathogenicity testing
host specificity

Examining plants for the symptoms of
plant pathogens.

Full-scale testing of exotic pathogens in Australia has not been allowed. To avoid the risk of escape of potentially harmful pathogens from quarantine, all testing has been done off-shore. Three laboratories that specialise in this work are:

CSIRO Montpellier, France;

CABI Biosciences (formerly International Institute of Biological Control), United Kingdom; and

IFAS Plant Pathology Department, University of Florida, USA.

The process for use of pathogens in classical biological control of weeds is similar to that for insects (See Weed Biocontrol: The Steps). However, there are differences in host testing procedures and in information required on taxonomy and biology. The four critical areas to consider when assessing a candidate pathogen are listed to the left.

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Allan Tomley