Bottom Buttons

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Finally, while you are in WeedBiocontrol the following buttons always appear at the bottom of the screen. These buttons can also be used to navigate your way through the CD. An explanation of the buttons follows:

The back button is used to take you to the previous screen.
The forward button can only be used when you have moved back through pages and you wish to return to a following page.
The refresh button can be used to reload a page that has not fully loaded.
The stop button is used if you have chosen to follow a link and then change your mind and wish to stay in the original screen, or if the link is taking too long and you wish to view another screen.
By choosing the home button you will return to the front screen.
The search button is another useful WeedBiocontrol tool; allowing you to search for a key word or a string of words. WeedBiocontrol finds where those words occur and displays them in a table with hyperlinks to the pages (See next page).
The print button can be used as long as a valid printer is connected to your computer (See Printing for further information on printing pages from WeedBiocontrol). 
When you choose the about button a page will appear with general information about WeedBiocontrol. Exit from this page by clicking on the small button in the top right corner.

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