Typically, submerged rosette-type plants (e.g.
Sagittaria, Vallisneria, Blyxa) absorb most of their nutrients from the substrate, whereas
elodeid-type plants (e.g.
Elodea, Lagarosiphon, Myriophyllum, Egeria, Ceratophyllum) absorb a significant amount (although not all) of their mineral nutrient needs from the surrounding water
(Barko et
1991). Therefore, for optimum growth, nutrients must be available to the plant in the water as well as in the substrate. Floating plants, with only their roots in water, do not require a fertilised substrate. They may be grown in simple plastic-lined pools filled with
fertiliser added directly to the water. Conversely, emergent plants (e.g.
Typha, Monochoria, reeds and sedges) and water lilies (Nymphaea
spp.) derive all of their mineral nutrients from the substrate and require a well fertilised substrate.
Generally, the substrate is the primary source of phosphorus, iron, manganese and most micronutrients, while the open water is the primary source of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium,
sulfate, and chloride (Barko
et al. 1991), although varying levels of each can be found in both media. Nitrogen is found in a number of forms (nitrate,
NO3-, and ammonium, NH4+, the most common for plant uptake) in both the sediment and open water.
Increasing the levels of nutrients, in particular nitrogen and phosphorus, result in increased growth in most aquatic plants. There are many accounts in the literature of the effect of nutrient additions to the growth of nuisance aquatic plants, including:
Eichhornia crassipes (Reddy et al.
1989; Reddy et al.
1990; Aoyama and Nishizaki
Trapa natans (Tsuchiya and Iwaki
1983; Tsuchiya and Iwakuma
Azolla spp. (Subudhi and Watanabe
1981; Cary and Weerts
1992), Elodea canadensis (Madsen and Baattrup-pedersen
Salvinia molesta (Room
1985; Room and Thomas
1986; Forno and Semple
1987) and
Myriophyllum spp. (Barko
1983; Chambers and Kalff
The composition of nutrient fertilisers for aquatic plants and their method of application to plants in an aquatic medium is quite different to those for terrestrial plants. The behaviour of nutrients in water and the chemical form in which they are found is very different to a soil medium. Water is generally an oxidising environment (i.e. oxygen rich) and elements such as iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), etc. readily react with oxygen to form insoluble compounds (precipitates) which the plant cannot absorb. To keep these elements in solution longer, and thus available to the plant longer, compounds called chelates must be added. The most common form used is
Ethylene-diamine-tetra acetic acid (EDTA). In the substrate, where oxygen tensions are low, iron is mostly in its soluble form and therefore plants rooted in the substrate rarely need treatments of iron
fertiliser to the water column.
Problems may occur when there is a deficiency or overdose (toxicity) in one or more nutrients. Deficiencies in particular nutrients usually
become manifest as characteristic external symptoms which may include any combination of: