Propagation/growing areas

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A 'polythene house' or 'tunnel' is an ideal
growing area.

Growing areas may be outdoors (in containers or in-ground), in shade houses, polythene houses, polycarbonate or glasshouses. Where possible they should be automatically irrigated to reduce labour costs, and to provide consistency in watering. All areas should be clean and allow free drainage of excess water and should meet the requirements of the plant species being grown.

Ideally, propagation areas generally consist of a bed or bench supplied with heating and misting facilities. Seedlings and cuttings of many plant species develop more quickly when supplied with heat in the root region (bottom heat), thus minimising the time when the material is most vulnerable to pathogen attack and desiccation. Propagation areas should be away from general growing areas to minimise transfer of pests.


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Gio. W. Fichera