Specific requirements

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The first consideration in growing any plant species is to determine if the species has specific requirements. This may include questions such as:

Is the plant a water lover?

Is it tropical or temperate in its temperature needs?

Has it evolved on highly fertile heavy soils or those that are very sandy and poor in nutrition?

Is it a plant that grows in exposed sunny places or does it grow predominantly in the shade of other plants?

The answers to such questions will indicate the conditions that should be provided.

When growing the many plant species on a test list it is not practical to duplicate specific optimal requirements for each species. It is usually only practical to provide one or a few sets of growing conditions that will serve all of the plant species. Fortunately, most species will tolerate and grow well in a range of conditions. Relatively few species are constrained by a narrow range of requirements.

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Gio. W. Fichera