Key action plans

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A dense parthenium weed infestation.

Key action plans from the parthenium workshop

While all the action plans developed during the workshop were regarded as important, limited resources were likely to constrain implementation of all plans. The top priority action plans from each section to be addressed as quickly as possible were:

prevent spread by livestock;
continue roadside inspection and treatment;
increase the ability of the community to identify parthenium, and increase knowledge of eradication procedures;
develop state and transition models of vegetation change for all at-risk areas defined by land types;
define and refine opportunities and strategies for use of herbicides;
define the biology and ecology of parthenium, and evaluate effects of established biological control agents;
review untested biological control agents and complete testing and field release of suitable agents; and
evaluate costs and benefits of eradication of isolated infestations and issuing of free herbicide by government.

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Larissa Bilston and Geoff Norton