Workshop objectives

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The objectives discussed and accepted at the beginning of the workshop were:

to review the parthenium problem;
to define the management/control options now available; and
to make recommendations on policy, training, research and implementation of management/control options to improve the management of parthenium.

Objectives implicit in the workshop process were the exchange of information and production of a report on the workshop and its findings.

Having brought the stakeholders together for a two-day workshop we then implemented the workshop in a structured manner as shown in the Figure below. It consisted of three stages:

problem specification,
the identification of major opportunities and constraints, and
needs analysis as a basis for the development of action plans for future implementation.

To facilitate this process we used a number of techniques that we have found to be extremely useful in encouraging group activity and focusing the groups' attention.

The problem specification workshop process.

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Larissa Bilston and Geoff Norton