Stage 2 - search for solutions

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Determining the key issues to be considered in the later
stages of the workshop.

Participants at the parthenium workshop identified options and opportunities for improving parthenium weed management, and constraints to improvement. Three groups addressed opportunities and constraints in the areas of:

policy options for management of parthenium;
options for management of parthenium on grazing properties; and
options for management of parthenium on cropping properties

Each group listed all possible options for improved management with factors affecting the performance of that option and a rating of feasibility and acceptance. Priorities were assigned to each of the options and the high priority options were carried forward to the next stage.


An alternative approach to identification and exploration of opportunities and constraints used in other workshops is a pin-boarding technique. Here each participant records their ideas concerning the opportunities and the constraints for improving weed management, writing one idea per card. The participants then split into groups to pin their cards on to a board and arrange them according to their similarity. The groups then write a header card for each of the clusters of cards that succinctly describes the essential ideas contained in that cluster of cards. The key issues covered by the header cards are reported to the whole group, providing a basis for the workshop participants to decide which key issues they would consider during the third phase of the workshop.

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Larissa Bilston and Geoff Norton