Problem specification workshops

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The workshop process
Participant selection
Workshop objectives
Stage 1 - problem specification
Stage 2 - search for solutions
Stage 3 - develop action plans
Key action plans
Biological control action plans

A problem specification and planning workshop to address weed biological control issues can help stakeholders examine options and identify constraints that need to be overcome to increase the likelihood of success.

A major feature of these participatory workshops is the active involvement of key players in setting priorities and designing strategies to address the priorities. Workshops in weed biological control are likely to involve producers, extension agents, local government officers, research scientists, policy makers, quarantine officers and other key players.

The output of these workshops is likely to include the following:

an independent analysis of the biological control problem

structured information exchange on issues determined by the workshop objectives

development of an integrated strategy involving recommendations on key research and implementation strategies, as derived from objective problem analysis. The areas frequently covered include:

applied research strategies

advisory/implementation proposals

policy recommendations and

communication, education and training activities.

ownership of this strategy by key players

written summary of workshop results

increased collaboration between scientists.

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Larissa Bilston and Geoff Norton