What Problems do Weeds Cause?

Home ] Up ] What is a Weed? ] What are the World's Worst Weeds? ] [ What Problems do Weeds Cause? ] What is Weed Biocontrol? ] Which are the Most Active Countries in Weed Biocontrol? ] What are the Earliest Examples of Weed Biocontrol? ] How Many Weed Biocontrol Projects have been Developed? ] How has Host Testing Changed Over Time? ] What Changes Have Occurred in Host Plant Lists? ] Are Pathogens Suitable Weed Biocontrol Agents? ] Can Other Organisms be Used for Weed Biocontrol? ] What is the History of Legal Controls on Importation? ] What are the Alternatives to Biocontrol? ] What is Integrated Weed Management? ] What is Successful Biocontrol? ] What Successes & Failures have there been? ] What Factors Affect Success and Failure? ] How can Success be Improved? ]

Yield losses through interference
Increased production costs
Quality losses in products
Harbouring insect pests & diseases
Reduced value of land & property
Problematical physical characters
Poisonous nature
Weeds in public lands & forests
Beneficial characters

Losses caused by uncontrolled weed growth are measured in billions of dollars per annum.


Table 1. Annual losses in potential production of three crops due to various agents.
Crops Potential production (Mt) Losses (Mt) due to: 
Pests Diseases Weeds
Cereal 1468 204 (40%) 135 (27%) 167 (33%)
Sugar crops 1330 228 (36%) 232 (37%) 175 (26%)
Vegetables 280 23 (29%) 31 (40%) 24 (31%)

Annual losses of crops to weeds, pests and diseases differ depending on the crop (See Table 1) and geographic region (See Table 2). Some of the greatest losses are recorded in the tropics where good growing conditions and poor weed control measures result in good weed establishment. British agriculture has spent in excess of $250 million per year from 1980 to 1990 on herbicides to alleviate damage that would otherwise be caused by weeds. This outstrips that spent on either insecticides or fungicides.


Table 2. Annual losses in production due to various agents in different parts of the world.
  Percentage losses due to:
Area Pests Diseases Weeds
Worldwide 14 12 10
Europe 5 13 7
North America 9 11 8
Africa 13 13 16
Asia 21 11 11

The specific problems that weeds cause can be placed in the categories listed to the left.


Steve Adkins