How can Success be Improved?

Home ] Up ] What is a Weed? ] What are the World's Worst Weeds? ] What Problems do Weeds Cause? ] What is Weed Biocontrol? ] Which are the Most Active Countries in Weed Biocontrol? ] What are the Earliest Examples of Weed Biocontrol? ] How Many Weed Biocontrol Projects have been Developed? ] How has Host Testing Changed Over Time? ] What Changes Have Occurred in Host Plant Lists? ] Are Pathogens Suitable Weed Biocontrol Agents? ] Can Other Organisms be Used for Weed Biocontrol? ] What is the History of Legal Controls on Importation? ] What are the Alternatives to Biocontrol? ] What is Integrated Weed Management? ] What is Successful Biocontrol? ] What Successes & Failures have there been? ] What Factors Affect Success and Failure? ] [ How can Success be Improved? ]

Choosing the target weed
Choosing agent collection area
Choosing natural enemies to study
Improving host specificity
Obtaining adequate resources

Questions of how to improve the rate of success of biological control have vexed researchers for a long time. The difficulty is that each project has a unique set of circumstances and interactions and a large number of variables affect the outcome. In the absence of adequate numbers of well documented projects the development of useful generalisations and predictions has been limited. Some suggestions to improve efficiency or to improve success can be reached by clicking on the buttons to the left.

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Mic Julien